Tag Archives: Rearsby Village

Borough & County Councillor Update March 2022

On the 6th February HM The Queen marked 70 years on the throne and the Platinum Jubilee year began.  I talk more about Leicestershire’s plans to mark this historic event below, but its an amazing thought to me that that a young woman whose reign began in the aftermath of World War Two, when rationing was still in place and our cities were still scarred by the blitz, should still be serving our country a lifetime later in third decade of the 21st century, in the age of the internet. I very much look forward to celebrating this landmark during the Jubilee celebrations at the start of June!

Borough & County Councillor Update for November

2021 has been another year dominated by the coronavirus pandemic and its effects on so much of our society.  The great hope offered this year though has been the widespread take up of the covid vaccine.  Thank you to every one of you who has been involved in that process either by working so hard to get the thousands locally, and millions nationally, immunised or by receiving the vaccine yourself (thereby doing your bit to allow the opening up of society).     

Borough & County Councillor Update for October 2021

October started with 10 days self-isolation for me after I tested positive for covid – I didn’t feel ill but I came into contact with someone who was later positive at a County Council meeting and therefore got ‘pinged’.  The resultant test at Birstall was so quick and efficient, from arrival to leaving less than 10 minutes, and I got my results early the next day.  If you get contacted by track and trace, or alternatively you develop symptoms, I really would encourage you to go and get a test.  Details and how to book can be found here: www.gov.uk/get-coronavirus-test

PC Chairman’s Note

Hello everyone. Still lots going on around the village and how nice to have some sunshine in September to help things along.

Firstly, I wanted to say how delighted we are to welcome Hollie Stone on to the Parish Council. Hollie joined us in September and with her local knowledge and business experience will be a valued addition to the team. Second, I wanted to say a big thank you to everyone who has helped with our village Neighbourhood Plan (NP) which has now proceeded to the referendum stage, voting information will be delivered to all residents and referendum day will be the 28th October 2021. Well done everyone!

Borough & CCounty Councillor update

September is always a very full month in local government and this month has certainly been no exception!  Meetings are now largely back to being in person and in addition to my most important role of representing you on Charnwood Borough and Leicestershire County Councils, my other roles looking after Charnwood’s Public Housing Department and examining the work of the Cabinet at Leicestershire is keeping me very busy too.  If you need my help with anything please do get in touch (my contact details are at the bottom of this article).    

Rearsby Bench Project

Following the success of the recent bench installations on the Conker field and Playing field we are now looking at phase two of the bench project:

Five locations have been identified and the Clerk will be writing to LCC and certain residents to advise of our plans.

1 Bleakmoor close green
2 opposite the allotments
3 Preaching stone
4 outside Rearsby Residential home
5 opposite Horse & Groom

Borough & County Councillor Update ~ June 2021

I hope you are having a great summer.  As I write this at the start of June its not yet clear when restrictions will end and if foreign holidays without having to self-isolate on return will be possible (I for one certainly hope so after the year and a half we’ve all had), but being able to once again see friends and family (almost) like we did before has been fantastic.  Thank you to everyone involved in the vaccination programme – as well as everyone who has received the vaccine – for getting us this far.       

Please find attached a link to the Work + scheme for more information on the programme: New scheme launches to boost skills, training and employment | Leicestershire County Council

Parish Council Chairman’s Note for June 2021

Hello everyone.

I hope you are all enjoying a little more freedom and the road back to a new normal. There seems to be a promise of some nice weather so lots to look forward to over the coming month. I am delighted to confirm that I was re-appointed as Chair at the May annual meeting with Anthea Byrne as my vice chair and we all look forward to being of service over the coming year.

Parish Council business continues as usual, with meetings being held face to face from 3rd June 2021 at the village hall.

Charnwood Borough Councillor James Poland ~ May Report

On Thursday 6th May County Council elections took place and I am very honoured to have been re-elected to serve as your County Councillor for a further four years.  Thank you very much to everyone who supported me and I look forward to continuing my work for all residents in the years ahead. The other vote which took place on the 6th May was for Leicestershire’s Police & Crime Commissioner and that was won by the Conservative candidate Rupert Matthews.  I’ve known Rupert for many years and believe he’ll do a great job with a focus on rural policing, I look forward to working with him on the policing issues which matter most to Rearsby.