All posts by RearsbypcAdmin

Children’s Play Park

You may be aware that the government has said that play areas can open as of 4thJuly.  Any re-opening is subject to stringent Covid 19 health and safety measures.  Unfortunately, the Parish Council feels that at the current time, with the local lockdown in Leicester, that these conditions cannot be met.  

As a result the children’s Play Park will remain closed

The Play Park will open as soon as is safely possible.

Rearsby Parish Council are sorry for any disappointment that this may cause and hope that you will appreciate that this decision was not taken lightly.  The decision has been made with the health and safety and best interests of the residents in mind.

July Parish Council Meeting – 2nd July


Notice of Ordinary Meeting of Parish Council

Rearsby Parish Council will hold their Monthly Meeting remotely on Thursday 2nd July 2020 at 7.30 pm.  

Parish Councillors are summoned to attend to resolve the business listed below. Please contact the Clerk if you’ll be absent. The public and press may also attend remotely – joining instructions at bottom of the agenda.

Public Participation, which will take place before the meeting officially opens


1.  Apologies for absence & declarations of interest

2.  To confirm minutes of meetings held on 4th June 2020.

3 . Progress on outstanding items
      a) Progress on items of essential repair and maintenance. 

      b) To report any new items of essential repair and maintenance and agree action to be taken

      c) Progress on the draft Neighbourhood Plan, following the completion of the Section 14 consultation progress.

      d) Progress on work within the conker field including fencing, litter bins,   boundary issues and new fencing.

      e) Mobile vehicle activated sign location and recording update. 

      f)  Progress on consideration of a new litter bin for Church Leys Avenue

4. Reports

      a) Borough Councillor/County Councillor to report on relevant Council matters

      b) Police report and crime and safety in Rearsby

      c) Village Warden Reports including Heritage, Tree, Flood Wardens and general nature and environmental update

      d) Monthly Risk Assessment and village safety report

      e) Report back from Village Hall Committee meetings attended 

      f)  Any issues arising from LRALC round robin

      f) Finance (including payments, balances and budgets)

5.  New business 

      a) To consider request for an 11 a-side goal post on the village hall playing field

6.   Planning applications received for comments

7.   Correspondence received that is not covered elsewhere on the agenda

8.   Chairman’s report including article for submission to Rearsby Scene

Signed………………………………………………… Date………………………..

Parish Council Clerk                      [Next meeting: Thursday 3rd September 2020

Topic: Rearsby Parish Council meeting

Time: Jul 2, 2020 07:30 PM London

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 860 4953 4010

Password: 015608

Parish Council ~ Chairman’s June Note

 Hello everyone 

With the lockdown starting to ease a little it is nice to see people getting back to some form of normality albeit the new normal maybe significantly different to what many of us are used to. 

As I said in my May note, during these unprecedented times it has been amazing to see how the community as come together to support those in the parish who have needed help or just someone to talk to and this is continuing even as things change. 

I would once again like to thank the local businesses who have supported the community with supplies, including Holly at Beardsley’s, the Wheel, Ben & Jo at Thrussingtons and Stuart & Kelly at Fosse Way Fuels. 

Vicar Mary continues to hold our Zoom church services on Sundays, which has attracted many local residents to join in but, hopefully we will soon be able to worship in the natural setting of the church. 

A special thank you to Rearsby school which has supported key worker children throughout the crisis. 

Parish Council business continues, with meetings being held in a virtual setting but still on the first Thursday of each month (see website for details) and the main areas we are currently focusing on are: 


To monitor developments with regard the Coronavirus regulatory changes and implement relevant changes etc. when necessary. 

Community safety is still key and at present the play park and the gym equipment on the village hall playing field will remain closed. 

Conker Field: 

As mentioned last month, work has now started on the Conker field project. 

Two new kissing gates will be installed at each end of the pathway through the conker field. These gates will be larger than the previous gates to allow access for pushchairs / wheelchairs etc. 

New fencing will also be installed along the Station Road boundary during late June / early July. 

The tree work in the spinney will also start end June / beginning of July removing diseased and dead trees and giving some much needed maintenance / TLC to others. 

New waste bins have been ordered and should be installed at each end of the field during July. 

A new sign for the Station road entrance is being sorted along with other signage detailing such topics as dog waste / litter and no ball games as required under the section 106 agreement. 

Test and Trace

The NHS #TestandTrace system has gone live to help reduce the spread of #Covid19
Here’s some information on how the system works and what to be aware of.

NHS Test and Trace will only call you from 0300 0135000, or send you texts from NHS directing you to
*WE WOULD ADVISE TYPING THIS IN TO YOUR BROWSER RATHER THAN CLICKING ON A LINK IN A TEXT MESSAGE* You could, if you wish, visit this website and save it in your browser so that if you do get a message, you can go to your saved page safe in the knowledge that you are on the safe and correct page.

UK GOV have a webpage all about how the Test and Trace system works and it also contains a section detailing what tracers WON’T do or ASK to help you avoid being caught out by potential fraudsters (if you prefer, rather than clicking this link search for GOV UK Test and Trace)

Contact tracers will: 

  • call you from 0300 013 5000
  • send you text messages from ‘NHS’
  • ask you to sign into the NHS test and trace contact-tracing website
  • ask for your full name and date of birth to confirm your identity, and postcode to offer support while self-isolating
  • ask about the coronavirus symptoms you have been experiencing
  • ask you to provide the name, telephone number and/or email address of anyone you have had close contact with in the 2 days prior to your symptoms starting
  • ask if anyone you have been in contact with is under 18 or lives outside of England

Contact tracers will NEVER : 

  • ask you to dial a premium rate number to speak to us (for example, those starting 09 or 087)
  • ask you to make any form of payment or purchase a product or any kind
  • ask for any details about your bank account
  • ask for your social media identities or login details, or those of your contacts
  • ask you for any passwords or PINs, or ask you to set up any passwords or PINs over the phone
  • disclose any of your personal or medical information to your contacts
  • provide medical advice on the treatment of any potential coronavirus symptoms
  • ask you to download any software to your PC or ask you to hand over control of your PC, smartphone or tablet to anyone else
  • ask you to access any website that does not belong to the government or NHS

Parish Council ~ Chairman’s Note for May 2020

 Hello everyone 

With the continuing lockdown in place from the Coronavirus it is very difficult to imagine life getting back to what we all call normal but hopefully things will start to change for the better soon. 

During these unprecedented times it has been amazing to see how the community as come together to support those in the parish who have needed help or just someone to talk to. 

I appreciate it is not easy for any of us and I am sure like me many of us miss meeting friends and particularly children and grandchildren, however, my communication skills with FaceTime & Zoom have improved immensely. 

I also appreciate that many residents have been working from home or have taken time off while the country recovers, but, I am equally aware that we have key workers within the community who continue to provide us all with everything from medical support to supplying food and supplies. 

It is particularly cheering to see local businesses like Holly at Beardsley’s open several days a week, supplying provisions for the community and beyond, and to see the Wheel open in the evenings for Takeaway food orders. Down the road it’s great to see Ben & Jo at Thrussingtons doing a grocery delivery service in the area and Stuart & Kelly at Fosse Way Fuels still serving local villages with fuel for fires. 

I would like to also give a special mention to our wonderful Vicar Mary who has led the way with her Zoom church services on Sundays, well done Mary we have thoroughly enjoyed joining you and the other worshippers. 

Despite the lockdown the Parish Council continues to work with meetings now being held in a virtual setting but still on the first Thursday of each month (see website for details). 

The main areas we are currently focusing on are to maintain community safety by keeping the play park closed and asking people not to use the equipment on the village hall playing field, carrying on with the Conker field plans, complete our year end responsibilities and continue to organise the general upkeep of the village. 

One of the areas that is causing a great deal of concern is the matter of “Dog Poo” once again which seems to have got worse over the past 6 weeks since lockdown especially with an alarming number of bags thrown in to hedgerows and verges containing dog waste. 

As I have said before, the PC is confident that most of our local dog owners or dog walkers understand and support the regulations regarding dog fouling and pickup, bag & bin their dogs waste. 

Unfortunately, however we seem to go through certain cycles where “dog poo” is not picked up or is just discarded at the roadside. 

The PC is aware of the risks this poses to the public, particularly children and are committed to keeping it at the forefront of everyone’s mind as they walk around our village and we will continue to strive for a “Dog Poo Free Village” with the support of you all! 

Please also remember you can report dog fouling direct to Charnwood Borough Council online at or on 01509 634564. 

Further to my comments in the Rearsby Scene some weeks ago, work has now started on the Conker field project. The old hedge on Station road has gone and the new fence and kissing gate will be installed as soon as possible with plans for a new hedge to be planted in front of the fence being investigated. 

The tree survey has been done and hopefully any work required will begin during June / July . At the same time new waste bins should be installed at each end of the field and a new sign for the Station road entrance is being sorted along with other signage detailing such topics as dog waste / litter and no ball games as required under the section 106 agreement. 

The PC and Leicestershire Police are aware that there has been some anti-social behaviour at the top of Gaddesby lane recently with youths drinking and playing music in the early hours, We are currently working with the Police to try and get this resolved 

Don’t forget the PC meeting is held on the 1st Thursday of every month at 7.30pm for more details see 

Thank you & please STAY SAFE 

Martin Cooke (Parish Council Chairman) 

Attention Dog Walkers

Following the regular risk assessment of the village the Parish Council is extremely concerned at the amount of dog mess being left on pavements and verges as well as “Dog Poo” bags just being thrown into hedge rows or left on verges as opposed to being placed in waste bins.

The Parish Council is confident that most of our local dog owners or dog walkers understand and support the regulations & law regarding dog fouling and pickup, bag & bin their dogs waste.

Unfortunately, however we seem to have a number of people who choose to ignore the law and put vulnerable people at risk of infection as well as having a total disregard for the housekeeping of the village and the fact that someone else has to clear up their mess.

The Parish Council are aware of the risks this poses to the public, particularly children and are committed to keeping it at the forefront of everyone’s mind as they walk around our village and we will continue to strive for a “Dog Poo Free Village” with the support of you all.

Councillors and residents are encouraged to report anyone seen breaking the law by not cleaning up and disposing of their dog waste correctly or where there is general dog fouling, direct to Charnwood Borough Council online at or on 01509 634564.

Thank you

Martin Cooke

Rearsby Parish Council Chairman

May 2020

Latest Guidance for the Play Areas

Good afternoon, we thought it would be helpful if the Parish Council updated the village on the latest guidance from Charnwood Borough Council concerning the the play areas in the village. Unfortunately, at the current time the advice is still for all play grounds and play equipment to remain closed. Therefore the children’s play area will remain closed and all the equipment on the village hall playing fields including the outdoor gym, remains closed. We are sure that you can understand the reasons for this as it would be impossible to sanitise an item of play equipment each time that it was used. We look forward to the time when we are given the advice that the play equipment can be reopened. ]Many thanks for your co operation in trying to keep the village as safe as possible.