Monthly Archives: November 2021

Parish Council Chairman’s Note December 2021

Hello everyone. I must start by saying how delighted I and the Parish Council are to see the neighbourhood plan being passed by the majority of those who voted, and I just wanted to say a big thank you to everyone who has worked on the plan from day one until the vote, your contributions were all tremendous and have helped to secure a plan which we believe will support the village and residents over the coming years.

Borough & County Councillor Update for November

2021 has been another year dominated by the coronavirus pandemic and its effects on so much of our society.  The great hope offered this year though has been the widespread take up of the covid vaccine.  Thank you to every one of you who has been involved in that process either by working so hard to get the thousands locally, and millions nationally, immunised or by receiving the vaccine yourself (thereby doing your bit to allow the opening up of society).