Category Archives: Village News

Parish Council Chairman’s Note February 2022

Hello everyone.

Well with the festivities of Christmas well behind us and the days slowly getting longer we can start to look forward to the wonderful sights and smells of Spring.

The past month has been a little quiet for Parish Council business with no meeting in January except an extraordinary meeting to discuss the budget and precept for the coming year. Normal service will resume hopefully in February when the topics being discussed will include:

Borough / County Councillor update for February 2022

Happy New Year to you all!  We are now very nearly two years since the covid pandemic began and the impact on this country, and the world, has been huge.  I don’t think there’s any doubt that covid will continue to be an issue well into 2022 as well, but with an increasingly triple jabbed population I believe this year will be about us seeing the long-term effects on society after the pandemic itself ends become increasingly apparent. 

Charnwood Neighbourhood Police update

Good evening and a belated happy new year !
I am now back and overseeing our Neighbourhood link system and hope that in doing so, I can ensure you get more regular and appropriate updates from the team here at Charnwood and from your local beat teams.
As a policing area we are currently focussing on the vehicle crime we have had reported over the last week or so. This has ranged from catalytic convertor thefts to tools being taken from vans. Please as ever do what you can to secure your vehicles, park in well lit areas and if possible remove items of value when you can.
Please contact us to report any suspicious behaviour or if you need any specific security advice from your local officers.
We also have a small amount of Anti Social behaviour emerging on some of the beats and are currently working with partner agencies and businesses around some unacceptable behaviour outside Mcdonalds in Loughborough market place.Please continue to report such behaviour as it helps to map the bigger picture as we deal with these individuals once identified.
We have also had a few staff changes recently and i will send a further message next week with details of those.
Inspector Matt Oswin is our NPA Commander now as you are probably aware and i will ensure he provides an update shortly too !
Have a safe and enjoyable weekend,
Sgt 1865 Chris Wharton Charnwood NPA

Borough/County Councillor Covid / Omicron update January 2022

People are being urged to check online for the latest updates on Leicestershire County Council’s services as the omicron surge continues.

Richard Mitchell, Chief Executive of University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust, said: “Every known medical condition is made worse by Covid, yet we still have unvaccinated people in our communities.

“The majority of our hospital intensive care beds are taken by Covid patients. Over 75% are unvaccinated, some will not make it home. This is having a big impact on our colleagues and on patients waiting for cancer and cardiac surgery who require an intensive care bed to have their operation.

“Covid vaccination protects against severe illness, it is safe, it is effective. Getting your jab is the single most important thing you can do to protect yourself and others.”

Andy Williams, Chief Executive of the Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland (LLR) Clinical Commissioning Groups, said: “I commend our frontline health and care staff for all they are doing to continue the fight against COVID, which has simply not gone away. If you are not vaccinated, COVID could cost your life, it could cause unbearable pain for your family, and your time in intensive care denies someone else the vital care they might need.”

Andy Williams added: “I urge everyone to just get their vaccine – it’s not too late for even a first dose. It’s the best New Year’s resolution you could make, so if you’ve been putting it off for any reason, please get the vaccine now.”

For full report see download below

Boxing Day Fun!

What an amazing morning, great to see so many villagers, families and friends enjoying the Tug of War and the Duck Race.

Well done to everyone joined from adults to children, a great village event and a massive thank you to everyone involved in organising, sponsoring and supporting the morning.

A wonderful lead up to Christmas

What a wonderful evening yesterday (11th December) in the village.

So lovely to see the church full of families and friends sharing in the Carol singing, the Christmas story and refreshments. Thank you Rita Meade and all the ladies who helped in the church.

Then there was the village Christmas tree switch on and the decorated houses, so many to choose from all very splendid with some really spectacular displays. Well done to everyone who joined in and thank you for making the village look so festive.

Last but not least a massive thank you to the Christmas light team for organising the evening especially the lantern walk which was magical.

Parish Council Chairman’s December Note.

I must start by saying how delighted I and the Parish Council are to see the neighbourhood plan being passed by the majority of those who voted, and I just wanted to say a big thank you to everyone who has worked on the plan from day one until the vote, your contributions were all tremendous and have helped to secure a plan which we believe will support the village and residents over the coming years.

The past month has been quite busy and as we lead up to Christmas, we look forward to the new year bringing new projects, challenges and hopefully a more settled and safer environment.