Category Archives: Village News

Borough & County Councillor Update May 22

As the spring becomes the summer I’m amazed at how quickly this year seems to be passing us by and very much looking forward to the BBQ’s and drinks in the garden which come with the long summer evenings.  That’s especially true this year with the forthcoming jubilee celebrations.  There are going to be fantastic celebrations locally and nationally to mark Her Majesty The Queen’s 70 year service to this country and the Commonwealth, I certainly hope to spend the weekend attending the events being organised locally as well as spending time with friends and family.  Whatever your plans are for the jubilee, I hope you have a wonderful time!

Message from Leicestershire Police

Officers are warning elderly residents to be vigilant when withdrawing money from cash machines.

It follows a small number of thefts from victims who have typically been approached mid-transaction and distracted or pushed to one side.

The victim’s account has then had the maximum withdrawal taken in some cases.

Officers are investigating the incidents but are issuing the following advice:
• Be aware of people standing too close or trying to distract you while using the machine
• If someone is too close to you, get your card out without withdrawing any money and walk away.
• If possible use a cash machine located inside a bank’s premises
• Report suspicious activity to the police on 101

Borough & County Councillor update April 2022

One of the most rewarding parts of being a Councillor for me is getting results for residents who contact me for help.  In my articles I talk about what the Councils are doing generally, but a vitally important part of a Councillors work is helping individuals specifically who need assistance.  To that end if there is anything I can help you with please do get in touch, my contact details are at the bottom of this article.    

Borough & County Councillor update March 2022

We’ve all seen the awful scenes coming from the Ukraine these last few weeks.  Putin’s war of aggression against a sovereign, independent country is sadly reminiscent of the scenes my Grandparents would have known during the Second World War, scenes we all hoped, perhaps believed, had been consigned to the history books in Europe. The free world has once again united, Russia stands isolated and alone on the international stage and I strongly believe that history will record Russia’s invasion of the Ukraine as one of the great geopolitical blunders on the 21st century.  Both Leicestershire County Council and Charnwood Borough Council have been flying the Ukrainian flag in solidarity with the people of the Ukraine, and we stand ready to do everything we possibly can to welcome refugees escaping the conflict to our county. 

Leicestershire & Rutland Wildlife Trust

We are pleased to announce that booking is now open for our spring event – ‘Towards a Wilder Wreake Valley’. Hosted by Leicestershire and Rutland Wildlife Trust, with support from local partners and communities, we hope that the day will provide an opportunity to get together and explore how we might work together to secure nature’s recovery along the valley of the River Wreake and its tributaries.

Please see the attached a flier with more information including a booking link. Places are limited, so it will be essential to book as early as possible.

Borough & County Councillor Update March 2022

On the 6th February HM The Queen marked 70 years on the throne and the Platinum Jubilee year began.  I talk more about Leicestershire’s plans to mark this historic event below, but its an amazing thought to me that that a young woman whose reign began in the aftermath of World War Two, when rationing was still in place and our cities were still scarred by the blitz, should still be serving our country a lifetime later in third decade of the 21st century, in the age of the internet. I very much look forward to celebrating this landmark during the Jubilee celebrations at the start of June!