All posts by Martin Cooke

Borough & County Councillor update

February is budget month in local government and this year has been particularly difficult, with both Charnwood and Leicestershire having faced significant cost increases due to covid over the last 12 months whilst also seeing income plummet.  I always keep how the Council’s financial decisions affect people front and centre in my thinking and that has never been more true than this year.  We have therefore agreed budgets which as far as possible balance the need to protect services with the financial impact on families.       

Village Wardens

The Parish Council are supported by a number of wardens in the village who have particular interests or experience in important topics within the community.

Wardens generally advise and update the Council when necessary so items or concerns can be raised and discussed at the monthly PC meetings.

We currently have vacancies for a Tree Warden, Heritage Warden and Snow Warden in the village.

If you would be interested in learning more about these roles and possibly become a Village Warden please contact the Clerk at your earliest convenience.

Warden roles are generally voluntary roles


Rearsby Neighbourhood Plan

The Parish Council has formally issued the Submission version of their reviewed Neighbourhood Plan and supporting documents to Charnwood Borough Council in accordance with Regulation 15 of the Neighbourhood Planning (General) Regulations 2012.

Charnwood Borough Council will now consult with interested parties on this submission in accordance with Regulation 16 of the same regulations for a six week period.

Relevant documents can be viewed on the Rearsby Neighbourhood Plan link

St Michael and All Angels CE Primary School – Multi-Academy Trust

St Michael and All Angels CE Primary School is committed to supporting the community in which it sits. In 2012, the school made the decision to become what is known as a stand-alone academy. That meant that the school stepped away from the Local Authority to enable itself to operate on its own, so that it could better serve the needs of its pupils and staff. It was always the school’s intention to look at building links with other like-minded schools as part of this move. This was partly for financial reasons, but also so that best practices could be shared and adopted. Changes to how schools are funded over the last eight years has meant that it has become increasingly more critical for the school to look at being part of a wider family of schools. This has become even more important due to the challenges the school has faced because of Covid-19. As a result, the Governors of the school have been looking at various available options. Following extensive communications with the Diocese of Leicester’s Board of Education, it has been determined that the ‘Rise Multi-Academy Trust’ would be a suitable and appropriate partner for the school. See School link for more details…

Conker Field Update

New Litter / Dog Poo bins have been installed at each end of the field, the new “Welcome to the Conker Field” entrance sign on Station Road will hopefully be installed during March, larger dog poo bag dispensers are to be fitted at each end of the field and 2 new benches have been approved and will be ordered in the next week.


A Temporary Traffic Regulation Order (TTRO) is to be made for the following location: Gaddesby Lane (Rearsby), from the bypass to the Cheney Arms. The purpose of the TTRO is to allow Leicestershire County Council safely undertake carriageway patching works. The TTRO will incorporate a temporary road closure. The duration of the restriction is not anticipated to exceed a period of 10 days commencing on the 19th April 2021. A Press Release will be issued to confirm these details approximately 2 weeks prior to the works commencing.

Don’t paddle in the Brook

Due to the excess flooding over the past few days / weeks there has been a number of issues with regard to drainage in the village which has resulted in some sewage finding it’s way into the brook.

We believe Severn Trent Water investigations are still ongoing but it seems this is not uncommon it times of extreme flooding.

We would suggest that during extreme flooding we encourage children and animals not to play in the brook.

Parish Council Chairman’s Note January 2021

I would like to start by wishing you all a very happy and optimistic New Year.

I would like to convey a special thanks to all those involved with the village Christmas tree and the nativity display, it all looked amazing and we received many compliments from the members of the community and neighbouring villages. Also, a big thank you to those who have left their lights on during January to keep the village a little brighter in the evenings.

Topics in this months Note include Conker field, Coronavirus, Dog Poo, Flooding, Neighbourhood Plan, New Projects.

Local Police Update

Good Evening,
I hope you are all well and keeping safe,
Thankyou to those who have adhered to the government guidelines in these strange times and continue to abide by the rules. Those who have not adhered to them have been dealt with in an appropriate manner; a few resulting in fines, which we will continue to issue where needed.
As another national lockdown hits, we appreciate that everybody is facing many challenges during this global pandemic, especially with not being able to see families and friends. However; as we all continue to do our bit and follow the guidelines given, we are doing as best we can to fight this virus.
In terms of crime over the last week we have had two reported attempted burglaries in the Thurmaston area one in the area of LONSDALE ROAD in the early hours on the 5th of January and the other in the area of SILVERDALE DRIVE on the 7th there are ongoing enquiries in relation to these offences.
There has been a slight increase across the Charnwood East area in vehicle crime namely theft from motor vehicle including theft of number plates and catalytic convertors.
The op for the car meet is proving successful. A number of Traffic Offence Reports have been issued. After keeping in touch with the staff at McDonalds, they have recently updated us that there are less cars meeting on a Tuesday evening. High visibility patrols are clearly working so will continue. As always, please continue to report any issues to us via 101 so we can deal accordingly.
Speed Checks
Speeding has also been raised as a concern by local residents at several locations across Charnwood East, due to this feedback; we will be carrying out further speed checks this month. We have dates and locations planned out to try and tackle these issues.
Please remain vigilant as always and report anything suspicious to us on 101.
Stay safe,
PCSO 6868 Fiona Lacey