Borough/County Councillor Covid / Omicron update January 2022

People are being urged to check online for the latest updates on Leicestershire County Council’s services as the omicron surge continues.

Richard Mitchell, Chief Executive of University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust, said: “Every known medical condition is made worse by Covid, yet we still have unvaccinated people in our communities.

“The majority of our hospital intensive care beds are taken by Covid patients. Over 75% are unvaccinated, some will not make it home. This is having a big impact on our colleagues and on patients waiting for cancer and cardiac surgery who require an intensive care bed to have their operation.

“Covid vaccination protects against severe illness, it is safe, it is effective. Getting your jab is the single most important thing you can do to protect yourself and others.”

Andy Williams, Chief Executive of the Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland (LLR) Clinical Commissioning Groups, said: “I commend our frontline health and care staff for all they are doing to continue the fight against COVID, which has simply not gone away. If you are not vaccinated, COVID could cost your life, it could cause unbearable pain for your family, and your time in intensive care denies someone else the vital care they might need.”

Andy Williams added: “I urge everyone to just get their vaccine – it’s not too late for even a first dose. It’s the best New Year’s resolution you could make, so if you’ve been putting it off for any reason, please get the vaccine now.”

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