Daily Archives: 17th September 2021

PC Chairman’s Note

Hello everyone. Still lots going on around the village and how nice to have some sunshine in September to help things along.

Firstly, I wanted to say how delighted we are to welcome Hollie Stone on to the Parish Council. Hollie joined us in September and with her local knowledge and business experience will be a valued addition to the team. Second, I wanted to say a big thank you to everyone who has helped with our village Neighbourhood Plan (NP) which has now proceeded to the referendum stage, voting information will be delivered to all residents and referendum day will be the 28th October 2021. Well done everyone!

Borough & CCounty Councillor update

September is always a very full month in local government and this month has certainly been no exception!  Meetings are now largely back to being in person and in addition to my most important role of representing you on Charnwood Borough and Leicestershire County Councils, my other roles looking after Charnwood’s Public Housing Department and examining the work of the Cabinet at Leicestershire is keeping me very busy too.  If you need my help with anything please do get in touch (my contact details are at the bottom of this article).