Daily Archives: 18th June 2021

NHS ~ GP Practice Survey

On Monday we have launched a GP practice survey exploring views and experiences of GP-led (primary care) services during the Covid-19 pandemic to help us build on the things that people in Leicester, Leicestershire and Rutland like about the service and to identify areas of care that could be improved.

Over the last year, Coronavirus has placed enormous strain on all areas of the NHS, including your General Practice. Despite that, General Practices have remained ‘open’ providing more than 6 million appointments over the last 12 months, with the majority still providing face-to-face. Some changes have been made to keep both patients and staff safe though, including increased use of both telephone assessment and, in some cases, online consultation where appropriate. Right now, your GP and GP practice is handling more appointments than ever before. 

We would love to hear your opinion and about your experiences that will help us to plan for service delivery in the future. Even if you haven’t visited your General Practice recently it’s still really important that we hear from you so that we can understand the way care needs to be provided to you in the future. The gathered feedback will inform a series of discussions going forward to help create a shared vision for modern, sustainable primary care.

The survey closes on Monday 12th July 2021.

Link to survey: www.bit.ly/PrimaryCareLLR

We would be most grateful if you could share this survey with your communities and networks to enable us to collect the views of a wide range of local people.

LCC ~ Have a say on Bus Services

The county council is working closely with local bus operators to come up with bold plans to improve public transport – and encouraging more people to use it.

The Government has pledged £3 billion to help progress these plans across the country – and Leicestershire is aiming to secure a fair share of the funding.

However, to secure this funding, the council must develop a Bus Service Improvement Plan (BSIP).  The council needs input to help it develop the plan.

It wants to find out what people think would improve local bus services and what would encourage them to use local buses more.

It would like to hear from people who already use buses, those who currently don’t, as well as from public, private and voluntary organisations.

There’s a questionnaire at www.leicestershire.gov.uk/bus-strategy-survey for people to have their say. The closing date is Friday, 30th July.