“Tree Project” 2021 ~(update)

Further to the Parish Councils plans to plant more trees in the community the following areas and tree types were put forward at the March PC meeting as possible potential sites for planting, some of these have been suggested by members of the community and we thank them for their input.

Mill Lane Brook bank ~ 3 willows

Conker Field ~ 5 Conker Trees

Playing Field ~ 1 Elm plus 5 others on southern and eastern boundary

The grass verge at the bottom of Station Road / Wreake Drive ~ 3 trees pocket orchard

Grass verge on Wreake Drive ~ Small pocket orchard

Gaddesby Lane hedgerow down to the bypass on the walking path ~ Oak, Conker and Elm

Due to annual budgets the PC would expect to schedule the planting of any agreed trees at the appropriate time and over a possible two year Period.

The locations listed on county council land (not PC land) will require approval from LCC prior to planting.

If you have any other suggestions for locations or comments on the details above please contact the Clerk by the 6th May 2021.