Tag Archives: Parish Council

Parish Council Chairman’s Note for June 2021

Hello everyone.

I hope you are all enjoying a little more freedom and the road back to a new normal. There seems to be a promise of some nice weather so lots to look forward to over the coming month. I am delighted to confirm that I was re-appointed as Chair at the May annual meeting with Anthea Byrne as my vice chair and we all look forward to being of service over the coming year.

Parish Council business continues as usual, with meetings being held face to face from 3rd June 2021 at the village hall.

The Parish Council welcomes Councillor Della Kagure Brown

I moved to the village about eight years ago with my long term partner Maggie. We live at the Old Post Office with our five pugs.
For the last twenty years I have been the director of a local charity in Leicester that supports women and young people who have been sexually exploited, involved in sex work or who are victims of human trafficking. I am a qualified social worker and psychodynamic psychotherapist and specialise in counselling sexually abused children.
Since moving to Rearsby, the village has become increasingly important to me and I would like to contribute what I can to our community.
My passions include laughing with my partner, walking my dogs, reading anything and everything and writing psychological thrillers. And I’m always happy to share a bottle of wine with friends.

Parish Council ~ Chairman’s November Update

Hello everyone

November’s here, the smell of open fires in the air, leaves all over the garden and thoughts of what Christmas will be like this year in these very unusual times.

I wanted to start my note this month with a reminder to stay vigilant and safe during these continuing challenging times and to ask that we all be mindful of others within the community who may be struggling or need some support.
The ever changing rules and restrictions around Coronavirus make it difficult for us all to keep pace with what we should and should not do but please spare a thought and time for those in our parish who don’t understand, or who are vulnerable or just need a guiding hand at times.

Parish Council business continues, with meetings still being held in a virtual setting normally on the first Thursday of each month and the main areas of business are currently:

Conker Field:
Phase 2 of the tree works will begin prior to Christmas (weather permitting) and as part of the program we have agreed that some smaller branches from the horse chestnut which is being felled will be left at the side of the conker field for residents to help themselves for logs over the winter. I would at this stage however ask that people do not remove any logs or branches from the spinney area of the conker field as these have been deliberately left there for wildlife habitats.
The PC also intend to review and consider planting new trees within the field in an effort to possibly re-establish similar numbers to those seen recently on papers from the 1960’s/70’s.
The new sign for the Station Road entrance should be installed before Christmas as will other signage around the field.
The new hedge in front of the Station road fence has been approved and will be planted at the appropriate time but residents should be aware that this will not include the fenced triangle behind the layby area next to the entrance to the convent development as the builders have informed us they wish to landscape this area themselves.
We continue to chase the new waste bins.

The Neighbourhood Plan (NP):
Having raised this on several occasions over recent months we have had no response from parishioners wishing to get involved in the working group so the PC has decided to push forward with the support of a local organisation used to supporting councils with their NP’s.
Following a meeting in October we will now determine exactly where we are in the NP cycle and plan to push it to a conclusion over the coming weeks / months. We will of course review all of the original responses from interested parties and endeavour to keep everyone in the community up to date at each PC meeting and through the website.
We are extremely keen on getting this concluded especially in view of possible national planning changes coming forward from government.

With some uncertainty this year of what Christmas will be like for many families I can tell you that the PC is hoping to once again have the traditional Christmas tree and lights on the village green over the festive season, details will be discussed and confirmed at the December PC meeting.

Rearsby Village News website:
The website www.rearsbyvillagenews.co.uk continues to grow with news, information and stories being added regularly. You can also view information about Parish Council meetings and a summary of all the business covered at each meeting.
We would like to encourage residents to visit the website and give us feedback on the content and what other information / articles you would like to see.
If you have any information you would like us to add please let us know via email councillor5.rearsbypc@btconnect.com .

Dog Poo
Unfortunately, no real improvement so, again I appeal to all dog walkers to watch your dog, pick up its poo, bag it, bin it!
Please remember you can report dog fouling direct to Charnwood Borough Council online at www.charnwood.gov.uk or on 01509 634564.

Home Security:
Over recent months I have joined the neighbourhood alert link through Leicestershire Police which is extremely informative and well worth linking through your email.
One of the areas they focused on recently was making sure people secure their homes and leave a light on when out, especially as the nights get longer and the general crime rates such as burglaries increases.
So please be mindful of your home security and of your neighbours and any one in the parish who could be vulnerable to attack by unscrupulous individuals.

Footpaths, Cows and Railways:
An unusual header you may think but, I felt I needed to share my concern that on two separate occasions over the past few weeks I have witnessed individuals walking along the actual railway from the footpath / railway crossing point at the rear of Wreake drive down towards Station road I assume to avoid the cows in the field.
I appreciate cows have recently had some bad press locally and some people may be anxious about them when out walking but, walking along the railway is extremely dangerous if not illegal!

Don’t forget the next PC meetings (currently via ZOOM) are held on the 1st Thursday 7.30pm for more details see www.rearsbyvillagenews.co.uk or www.rearsbypc.org.uk

Thank you & please STAY SAFE
Martin Cooke (Parish Council Chair)

Parish Council ~ Chairman’s September Note

Hello everyone

As the lockdown continues to ease, we continue to look forward to getting back to some form of normality in the village.

Parish Council business continues, with meetings being held in a virtual setting normally on the first Thursday of each month (next meetings September 3rd & October 1st) and the main areas of focus are:

The Neighbourhood Plan (NP):

The NP has been an ongoing project by the PC and various other parties for some considerable time but unfortunately due to a variety of reasons seems to have lost the momentum required to see it through to a satisfactory conclusion. 

As Chair I feel (as does the whole council) that we need to urgently get this back on track and push to get this concluded as soon as possible, especially in view of the government’s plans to change housing development rules as we emerge from the Coronavirus pandemic. The council want to re-establish a working group to push this to a conclusion and I am appealing to individuals in the village to please join us on the working group to help and assist us to do so. If you are interested and can help, please contact Sue Norledge our Clerk, we would greatly appreciate your support.

Conker Field: 

The new kissing gates have now been fitted to the fence and enclosures at the two main entrances to the field. During the autumn months a new hedge will be planted along the outside of the new fence to enhance the view on Station Road.

Phase 1 of the tree work in the spinney and along the boundaries of the field has been completed with old / diseased trees being removed and others being cropped, trimmed, or reduced as required by the earlier survey. Whilst some of the debris from the work has been removed a lot of it has been cut and left has potential wildlife habitats within the spinney.

Phase 2 of the work will hopefully begin in September and will sadly include one of the horse chestnuts (conker trees) being felled due to decay and decease. 

The field may be partially closed on this particular day due to health & safety, but the tree surgeon will determine that once a full risk assessment has been done. 

We continue to chase the new waste bins which were ordered some time ago and these will be installed at each end of the field. The new sign for the Station road entrance is still being sorted along with other signage detailing such topics as dog waste / litter and no ball games as required under the section 106 agreement.

Rearsby Village News website:

The new website www.rearsbyvillagenews.co.uk continues to expand with news,  information and stories being added regularly but we would like to encourage residents to view the website and give us feedback on what other information / articles you would like to see. 

We would also like local groups to consider linking in with the website so we can eventually create a more user friendly, expansive site of interest to all of the community. If you have any articles you would like us to add please let us know via email councillor5.rearsbypc@btconnect.com .

Village Street Market:

It was great to see so many residents and visitors joining in the Street market on Sunday 23rd August. With some 50 stalls it was a lovely way to spend the day with lots of people chatting and catching up (socially distancing of course) and enjoying the pleasant weather and fresh air, not to mention making some money for various charities. In these rather challenging times it was a great community effort and I wanted to say a personal thank you to all those who took part and particularly to Louise and Holly for their organising skills.

Willow Tree on Brookside:

Some residents will be aware of the large willow tree on Brookside losing a couple of its branches in recent weeks and parishioners may also be aware that ownership of the  tree and the brook banks have for many years been a topic of debate with no definite outcome to date. We can however confirm that following several conversations with CBC & LCC expressing our concerns over safety we did finally mange to get agreement for them to pollard the tree to reduce the risk of it falling in the future.


Residents will hopefully have noticed that the speed activating sign is now back up and running and is currently on Melton road.

I have a great concern about speeding in our community and the fact that many people pass through our village with little consideration of the limits or the welfare of other road users.

At the next PC meeting I have asked that we include an agenda item on speeding and we look at ways to introduce a viable speeding campaign within the community to try and help combat this increasing threat to our wellbeing.

I would welcome feedback through our Clerk from parishioners with ideas for consideration. 

Litter Picking:

I would once again like to express the councils sincere thanks to Ed Offer and his brother Sam for their excellent ongoing support to the community by carrying out a litter pick in different parts of the village each Saturday since early March. 

We estimate they have collected over 20 bin bags of rubbish over this time and this is very much appreciated, and we look forward to Ed receiving his DOE award as part of this service within the community.  


We continue to monitor developments with regard the Coronavirus regulatory changes and will implement relevant changes etc. when and where necessary.

Dog Poo

Last but not least, I come back to the topic of “Dog Poo” I don’t think I have to say much other than it is not getting any better and I would appeal to all dog walkers to watch your dog, pick up its poo, bag it, bin it! 

Please also remember you can report dog fouling direct to Charnwood Borough Council online at www.charnwood.gov.uk or on 01509 634564.

Don’t forget the next PC meetings (currently via ZOOM) will be held on the Thursday September 3rd & October 1st at 7.30pm for more details see www.rearsbyvillagenews.co.uk or www.rearsbypc.org.uk

Thank you & please STAY SAFE

Martin Cooke (Parish Council Chair)