Category Archives: Parish Council News

Up to date information from the Parish Council

Parish Council Chairman’s Note December 2022

Hello everyone.

Well, the nights continue to draw in until the 21st December and then hopefully it slowly starts to get lighter again. We, like many other families are preparing for Christmas celebrations with family and friends and we are continually reminded of how blessed we are.

Vicar Mary has now moved on, so we are extremely grateful for those stepping in to ensure services continue to run and we are really looking forward to the Christmas services and hope to see many of you there.

Borough & County Councillor Update November 2022

With this being my last article of 2022, it seems an opportune time to look back on what has been a truly eventful year.  The news this year has been dominated by Russia’s unprovoked invasion of Ukraine, bring large-scale aggressive war of conquest back to the Europe in a way a lot of us believed had been consigned to the history books.  September really did feel like the end of an important era in British history with the passing of Her Majesty The Queen. 

Borough & County Councillor update October 2022

Council meetings were suspended for the mourning period following the passing of Her Majesty The Queen, with the exception of an extraordinary meeting of Leicestershire County Council to allow members to pay our tributes to the Queen’s lifetime of service.  I was very honoured to make my own tribute there.  Once normal business resumed, meetings returned at a pace and at the County’s Cabinet meeting on the 20th September a report regarding the County’s massive financials pressures was discussed (details of this are below).  Whilst this is the most significant challenge to face local government in a generation, potentially ever, we are determined to do whatever we can to protect vulnerable people and, as far as possible, minimise the impact on the services residents value.