All posts by Martin Cooke

Borough & County Councillor update October 2022

Council meetings were suspended for the mourning period following the passing of Her Majesty The Queen, with the exception of an extraordinary meeting of Leicestershire County Council to allow members to pay our tributes to the Queen’s lifetime of service.  I was very honoured to make my own tribute there.  Once normal business resumed, meetings returned at a pace and at the County’s Cabinet meeting on the 20th September a report regarding the County’s massive financials pressures was discussed (details of this are below).  Whilst this is the most significant challenge to face local government in a generation, potentially ever, we are determined to do whatever we can to protect vulnerable people and, as far as possible, minimise the impact on the services residents value.   

Borough & County Councillor Update

Since my last article we have had the deeply sad news about the passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.  Her Majesty was the one constant in our national life for 70 years, the only monarch generations of people in the country have ever known.  She was a towering figure on the world stage for nearly three quarters of a century, meeting Presidents and Popes, Kings and commoners and feeling equally at ease with them all.  Elizabeth II will be spoken about with admiration and pride not just by those of us fortunate enough to have lived during her reign, but by countless generations in centuries yet to come. 

New Road Name for Convent Site

A number of residents have contacted the Parish Council expressing concern over the naming of the new road leading to the housing development on the Convent site off Station Road.

Investigations have found that the request for the naming of the new street as Church Leys Station Road, Rearsby came from the developer to Charnwood Borough Council a couple of years ago.  The road is a private one and at the time there was no requirement for Charnwood Borough Council to consult with the Parish Council.  This has subsequently changed now but at the time they were the rules that Charnwood Borough Council was working to. 

It seems neither the developer or Charnwood Borough Council could  see that there would be confusion as the existing addresses are Church Leys Avenue, Rearsby so sufficiently different to Church Leys Station Road, Rearsby and they will both have a different post code.  

Unfortunately, it appears that it is something we have to get used to as there is nothing that can be done about this now other than a very long and costly system for the changing of street names which involves all residents agreeing to it and would obviously involve things like all residents changing their land registry details and all their personal information.  

New Housing Development in East Goscote and Rearsby

Boyer have confirmed that they will been posting A5 leaflets to adjacent properties in Rearsby as well as East Goscote.

Please feel free to circulate this.

Boyer Planning would like to invite you to an exhibition which will provide the opportunity to view and comment on detailed development proposals for a new residential development at Land off Melton Road, East Goscote.

The proposals for approximately 256 new homes with open space, landscaping and sustainable urban drainage are being brought forward by Redrow Homes (East Midlands) Ltd.

Members of the team from Boyer Planning and representatives from Redrow Homes (East Midlands) Limited will be available to discuss the proposals and the background to them on:

Wednesday 24th August 2022, from 2.00pm – 7.00pm at the Village Hall, Long Furrow, East Goscote, LE7 3ZL.

Gaddesby Lane Housing development;

The Parish Council understand that a planning application is potentially imminent for 66 houses to be built at the top of Gaddesby Lane, Rearsby.

We recommend that interested parties keep checking the planning portal at Charnwood Borough Council using reference P/22/1168/2, This has not yet been validated so no comments can be lodged at the moment.

Borough & County Councillor ~ July / August update.

June started with the Jubilee celebrations and what a fantastic weekend that was!  It was great to be at the Rearsby Jubilee Celebrations along with my family and some friends we had staying with us, we very much enjoyed the cakes on sale in the village hall (and maybe that’s why Parish Council Vice-Chairman Anthea Byrne tried to persuade me to take part in some of the races on the playing field!).  Thank you to everyone who worked so hard to organise the event and make it such a success.