Bench Project 2021

The Parish Council have agreed a number of new projects for 2021 and one of them is to install a number of new benches around the community to allow parishioners and visitors to enjoy the views, take a break or simply sit and contemplate.

Whilst there are plans to possibly have two benches in the Conker field, to help the Council decide where other benches would be best sited, we would like to ask residents to consider where in the village they feel a bench would be beneficial and why.

The benches will need to have a secure foundation, so any potential locations need to be suitable for some excavation.

We are also inviting residents to consider sponsoring a bench in memory of an event or an individual and include a plaque being displayed on the relevant bench.

Once we have received all of the ideas and suggestions, we will review each one and agree a final list which will be issued on the village website.

There then follows a process to submit the details to the various borough or county councils where necessary to seek approval after which we can approve the sites, agree bench types, purchase and installation dates.

Please submit your suggested bench sites to the clerk by 4th February 2021 and remember if you would like to sponsor a bench to include that in your correspondence.

Thank you in advance for your interest and support.

Martin Cooke (Chair)

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