Monthly Archives: January 2021
Don’t paddle in the Brook
Due to the excess flooding over the past few days / weeks there has been a number of issues with regard to drainage in the village which has resulted in some sewage finding it’s way into the brook.
We believe Severn Trent Water investigations are still ongoing but it seems this is not uncommon it times of extreme flooding.
We would suggest that during extreme flooding we encourage children and animals not to play in the brook.
Parish Council Chairman’s Note January 2021
I would like to start by wishing you all a very happy and optimistic New Year.
I would like to convey a special thanks to all those involved with the village Christmas tree and the nativity display, it all looked amazing and we received many compliments from the members of the community and neighbouring villages. Also, a big thank you to those who have left their lights on during January to keep the village a little brighter in the evenings.
Topics in this months Note include Conker field, Coronavirus, Dog Poo, Flooding, Neighbourhood Plan, New Projects.
Local Police Update
Good Evening, I hope you are all well and keeping safe, Thankyou to those who have adhered to the government guidelines in these strange times and continue to abide by the rules. Those who have not adhered to them have been dealt with in an appropriate manner; a few resulting in fines, which we will continue to issue where needed. As another national lockdown hits, we appreciate that everybody is facing many challenges during this global pandemic, especially with not being able to see families and friends. However; as we all continue to do our bit and follow the guidelines given, we are doing as best we can to fight this virus. In terms of crime over the last week we have had two reported attempted burglaries in the Thurmaston area one in the area of LONSDALE ROAD in the early hours on the 5th of January and the other in the area of SILVERDALE DRIVE on the 7th there are ongoing enquiries in relation to these offences. There has been a slight increase across the Charnwood East area in vehicle crime namely theft from motor vehicle including theft of number plates and catalytic convertors. MCDONALDS CAR MEET THURMASTON: The op for the car meet is proving successful. A number of Traffic Offence Reports have been issued. After keeping in touch with the staff at McDonalds, they have recently updated us that there are less cars meeting on a Tuesday evening. High visibility patrols are clearly working so will continue. As always, please continue to report any issues to us via 101 so we can deal accordingly. Speed Checks Speeding has also been raised as a concern by local residents at several locations across Charnwood East, due to this feedback; we will be carrying out further speed checks this month. We have dates and locations planned out to try and tackle these issues. Please remain vigilant as always and report anything suspicious to us on 101. Stay safe, PCSO 6868 Fiona Lacey |
Over recent months the Parish Council have been reviewing how we can improve our local environment and encourage the development of nature and wildlife.
We have a number of proposals in hand at present but would like to ask parishioners to consider how we and they can help moving forward.
We already have plans to plant a number of trees in the community, some in the conker field and others around the village and we would welcome villagers thoughts and suggestions as to where they feel new trees could be planted.
We also want to encourage wildlife into the community and are considering several projects such as introducing new nesting boxes into village parks and open / green spaces, creating hedgehog habitats, installing bat boxes etc.
Again, we would like to invite villagers to put their ideas forward as to how we can all help but in particular how they feel the parish council could support this initiative.
If you have any ideas on trees, the environment or wildlife please send them to the clerk . or use the comment tag below this post
Thank you in advance for your interest and support.
Martin Cooke (Chair)
Outdoor Gym
Please note that due to current covid19 lockdown restrictions the Outdoor Gym on the village playing field is closed and must not be used at this time.
VILLAGE PLANTERS 2021 – Reminder
Would you like to adopt a Planter?
Residents have hopefully noticed over the years we have had planters on the grass verges as you enter the village, one at the bottom of Station Road / Wreake Drive and two at each end of Melton Road.
The Parish Council generally pay for the plants and in the past volunteers have planted and nurtured the planters during the year.
With the ongoing Covid19 restrictions we thought it might be a nice idea to ask families or individuals in the community if they would like to adopt a planter and look after it for a year.
This would include planting the planter and maintaining it, you can paint it if you wish and we will put your families name on the website as an adoptee.
If you are interested in adopting a planter or would like more information please contact the clerk or use the comment tag below by 1st February 2021.
Thank you in advance for your interest and support.
Martin Cooke (Chair)
Borough & County Councillor update
Happy New Year everyone! 2021 has certainly started where 2020 left in terms of the national lock-down, but an important difference is this time we can see an end point, we can see locally vaccination centres have opened in Loughborough and Melton and no doubt many of you reading this will have already had the jab. I’m writing this on a cold January morning but I’m more optimistic than ever that by the summer we will have returned to something approaching normality.
Bench Project 2021
The Parish Council have agreed a number of new projects for 2021 and one of them is to install a number of new benches around the community to allow parishioners and visitors to enjoy the views, take a break or simply sit and contemplate.
Whilst there are plans to possibly have two benches in the Conker field, to help the Council decide where other benches would be best sited, we would like to ask residents to consider where in the village they feel a bench would be beneficial and why.
The benches will need to have a secure foundation, so any potential locations need to be suitable for some excavation.
We are also inviting residents to consider sponsoring a bench in memory of an event or an individual and include a plaque being displayed on the relevant bench.
Once we have received all of the ideas and suggestions, we will review each one and agree a final list which will be issued on the village website.
There then follows a process to submit the details to the various borough or county councils where necessary to seek approval after which we can approve the sites, agree bench types, purchase and installation dates.
Please submit your suggested bench sites to the clerk by 4th February 2021 and remember if you would like to sponsor a bench to include that in your correspondence.
Thank you in advance for your interest and support.
Martin Cooke (Chair)
Scam Alerts
The Parish Council have been notified of the following SCAMS currently in operation, please remain vigilant.

Please use the link here for more details: