Parish Council – Chairman’s October Update

Hello everyone

Well October is here, leaf’s falling, those wonderful autumn smells in the air and like many others I am enjoying getting the garden ready for the winter months.

I wanted to start my Note this month with an appeal to everyone to stay vigilant and safe during these continuing testing times. The easing of Coronavirus related restrictions continues in certain areas but equally new concerns are raised with numbers seemingly on the rise again so please don’t be complacent, protect yourselves and those around you and make the environment we all share as safe and secure as we possibly can.

Parish Council business continues, with meetings still being held in a virtual setting normally on the first Thursday of each month and the main areas of business are currently:

New Councillor:

I am delighted to welcome Della Kagure Brown to the Parish Council, Della will formerly take up the co-opted role from October having been proposed and approved at the recent September PC meeting.

Conker Field: 

Phase 2 of the tree works was approved at the September meeting and will hopefully begin over the coming few months this, will sadly includes one of the horse chestnuts (conker trees) being felled due to decay and decease. As mentioned in September the field may be partially closed on this day due to health & safety, but the tree surgeon will determine that once a full risk assessment has been done. 

We have also agreed to fit springs or closers to the kissing gates to try and ensure they close on one side when not in use.

The new sign for the Station Road entrance has been approved and ordered as have other signs which should all hopefully be in place over the next few months. 

We are still chasing the new waste bins which were ordered some time ago and these will be installed at each end of the field. 


I mentioned this last month and can confirm the PC are looking at ways to try and combat this ongoing issue in the parish. I would however also appeal to residents to be a little more conscious of their own speed when driving in and around the village. 

New data from the speed activated sign in the village will be displayed on the website makes disturbing reading at times.

The Neighbourhood Plan (NP):

As mentioned before, the council want to re-establish a working group to push this to a conclusion and I am again appealing to individuals in the village to please join us on the working group to help and assist us to do so. If you are interested and can help, please contact Sue Norledge our Clerk, we would greatly appreciate your support.

Rearsby Village News website:

The website continues to grow with news,  information and stories being added regularly. You can also view information about Parish Council meetings and a summary of all the business covered at Council meetings.

We would like to encourage residents to visit the website and give us feedback on what other information / articles you would like to see. If you have any information you would like us to add please let us know via email .

Village Tidiness:

I also mentioned last month about the great work Ed & Sam Offer were doing with their weekly litter picks but I have to say I am very concerned and disappointed at the general lack of care shown around the parish when it comes to general littering and people just not bothering to take their own litter home or just feel it acceptable to throw wrappers or rubbish on the floor or in hedgerows. I appreciate much of this may come from people outside our community but equally, we can all play our part and make sure we take our rubbish home and keep our village looking attractive and pleasant to walk around.

Dog Poo

Finally, “Dog Poo” still no better so, I appeal again to all dog walkers to watch your dog, pick up its poo, bag it, bin it! 

Please remember you can report dog fouling direct to Charnwood Borough Council online at on 01509 634564.

October is a busy month with lots going on, lots of celebrations and some particularly poignant topics in these rather testing times, like World Smile Day 2nd, World Teachers day 5th and World Mental Health day 10th to name but a few. 

Whatever you are doing or celebrating please do it safely and always try to be considerate and kind to others. 

Don’t forget the next PC meetings (currently via ZOOM) are held on the 1st Thursday 7.30pm for more details see or

Thank you & please STAY SAFEMartin Cooke (Parish Council Chair)

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