Daily Archives: 29th June 2020

July Parish Council Meeting – 2nd July


Notice of Ordinary Meeting of Parish Council

Rearsby Parish Council will hold their Monthly Meeting remotely on Thursday 2nd July 2020 at 7.30 pm.  

Parish Councillors are summoned to attend to resolve the business listed below. Please contact the Clerk if you’ll be absent. The public and press may also attend remotely – joining instructions at bottom of the agenda.

Public Participation, which will take place before the meeting officially opens


1.  Apologies for absence & declarations of interest

2.  To confirm minutes of meetings held on 4th June 2020.

3 . Progress on outstanding items
      a) Progress on items of essential repair and maintenance. 

      b) To report any new items of essential repair and maintenance and agree action to be taken

      c) Progress on the draft Neighbourhood Plan, following the completion of the Section 14 consultation progress.

      d) Progress on work within the conker field including fencing, litter bins,   boundary issues and new fencing.

      e) Mobile vehicle activated sign location and recording update. 

      f)  Progress on consideration of a new litter bin for Church Leys Avenue

4. Reports

      a) Borough Councillor/County Councillor to report on relevant Council matters

      b) Police report and crime and safety in Rearsby

      c) Village Warden Reports including Heritage, Tree, Flood Wardens and general nature and environmental update

      d) Monthly Risk Assessment and village safety report

      e) Report back from Village Hall Committee meetings attended 

      f)  Any issues arising from LRALC round robin

      f) Finance (including payments, balances and budgets)

5.  New business 

      a) To consider request for an 11 a-side goal post on the village hall playing field

6.   Planning applications received for comments

7.   Correspondence received that is not covered elsewhere on the agenda

8.   Chairman’s report including article for submission to Rearsby Scene

Signed………………………………………………… Date………………………..

Parish Council Clerk                      [Next meeting: Thursday 3rd September 2020

Topic: Rearsby Parish Council meeting

Time: Jul 2, 2020 07:30 PM London

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 860 4953 4010

Password: 015608